Oral Cancer Screenings

Did you know that oral cancer claims the lives of one American every hour? With approximately 30,000 new cases diagnosed annually, oral cancer presents a higher mortality rate compared to several other cancers. However, when detected early, oral cancer boasts a remarkable 90 percent cure rate. Certain factors, such as tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption combined with smoking, age over 40, and prolonged sun exposure, increase the risk of developing oral cancer.

Early Detection Saves Lives

Given that 25 percent of oral cancer cases occur in individuals with no identifiable risk factors, regular oral cancer screenings are crucial for early detection. Routine dental check-ups, which include a thorough examination of the entire mouth, play a pivotal role in identifying cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions.

Common Signs of Oral Cancer

  • Changes in dental alignment
  • Alterations in oral tissue coloration
  • Presence of white or red spots or sores
  • Persistent bleeding or non-healing sores
  • Difficulties in chewing, swallowing, or speaking
  • Abnormal lumps, thickenings, or rough areas
  • Pain, tenderness, or numbness in the mouth or lips


Screening Process

During an oral cancer examination, your dentist meticulously inspects the tongue, oral cavity, and lips for any abnormal spots or sores that may be flat, painless, white, or red. While many of these lesions are harmless, some may require further testing. Your dentist may opt for a brush test, which involves gently scraping suspicious areas to collect cells for laboratory analysis. If the results indicate the presence of suspicious cells, a biopsy may be recommended for confirmation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why Do I Need an Oral Cancer Screening If I Don’t Smoke or Drink?

Even without known risk factors, individuals can still develop oral cancer. Regular screenings enable early detection and intervention.

Q. I Noticed Some Small Sores in My Mouth. Should I Be Concerned?

Any unusual spots or sores warrant prompt evaluation by your dentist. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes.

Q. Does an Oral Cancer Screening Cause Discomfort?

No, the screening process typically involves a visual examination, with special equipment used in some cases to enhance detection. If necessary, additional tests may be conducted with minimal discomfort.